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writings against time

Francesca Pennini

action and creation:
Andrea Amaducci (live graphics)
Francesca Pennini (movement)
Alfonso Santimone (live electronics)

artistic residency:
Teatro Comunale di Ferrara

performance for urban spaces and art galleries
year 2009

duration: 20’

technical rider

A research on the dynamic content of the instant form, on the organized complexity of sudden perception, on the filter of a feedback structure between different languages. A process of synthesis of the movement through a collection of random moments. O+< is a tangle of retinal impressions. Constantly mediated and translated the moving body questions the ephemeral status of the performance.

studio #1: Festival Operaestate Veneto
studio #2: Festival LaManifattura - Bologna
studio #3: Festival Città dalle 100 Scale - Potenza
studio #4: Festival Atlante Sonoro - Roma
studio #5: Festival miXXer – Ferrara
studio #6: Festival Echocentrica - Foligno
studio #7: Museo Arte Contemporanea - Spoleto
studio #8: Festival Short Formats - Milano
studio #9: Festival internazionale di Danza Urbana - Bologna
studio #10: Party apertura VicenzaOro - Vicenza

" ...This time the Subject is in the centre of the work with his perceptions and the possibility to convey them to others. In a game of three voices Francesca Pennini, Alfonso Santimone and Andrea Amaducci exchange information of kinetic, sound and graphic nature. The attempt is to grab the instant in the only way possible: trasforming it under the impulse of the perception from one hand and from a task to the other and generating a rhizomatic and rigorous proliferation of movements, sounds and images. Indeed, while Francesca moves on a PVC panel fixed on the ground, Andrea jumps from one side to the other, closes his eyes and opens them just for a second, than sketches the movement he just saw. Ephemeral actions that tries to catch each other despite their fleetingness, stimulated by the notes - also absolutely live - of Alfonso Santimone, in an extremely rich matter made of rumbles, screeches and obsessive rhythms. In the midst of this magnetic field, made of splinters and fragments of solicitations, fascinating is the trace that the movement can leave of itself: the only tangible, the one that pass through the experience of others, grounding in it and sprouting modified. Increased, perhaps. And so the movement of Francesca Pennini, made of arms suspended towards the Other that than dissolve into vigorous coils - fingers with a feverish trembling as they are probing the air and legs made of rubber that are always looking for unexpected solutions - it becomes a huge stylized framework with dozen of human creatures in motion, a picture in which the dancer can view herself altered and multiplied. And the spectators, perhaps self-blinded in the same bright darkness that allows the drawings of Amaducci, can find their own path of reading in the forest of arms and frames moving, melted in a dynamic trail where it is easy to loose orientation."
[ Giulia Taddeo - KRAPP'S LAST POST - 09/2011 ]

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